19 April 2007


The world has righted itself and is spinning in the proper direction now. Sanjaya has been voted off American Idol. Lakisha broke the curse and probably crapped herself doing so.

I thought this day would never come. The recurring nightmares of mohawks and teenage-mustaches shall be gone forever. Now it's wonderful dreams of an Oprah-statured woman who looks like Shrek.

Sanjaya is the name of a disease. Like Salmonella.

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09 April 2007


-I started a new position at work this month. I now have a cubicle with a window and a pet cactus behind my mass of computer monitors. As they say at McDonald's: I'm Loving It!

-I've been able to cook at home due to prior mentioned item. I made some pretty decent Ma-poh Tofu the other day.

-I had a relaxing weekend in Ventura with my parents. Got to see a George Thorogood & The Destroyers show at an Indian casino and hung out at the pier and hotel where Little Miss Sunshine was filmed.

-I got to drive my dad's new Honda S2000, "Red", during the weekend! I'm insanely jealous and want one too.

-I have been taking pictures with my new Nikon D-80. Got some of birds and random things on the Ventura pier. Will be shown when I can determine whether I have any bandwidth left on Flickr.

-I leveled my Lineage character to 53 and added another STR stat. Direct foolish words to the comments section, please.

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01 April 2007


Last night I saw 300. I loved this movie. It was a manly kind of movie. It was war, violence, sex and conflict. Great. The action sequences were filmed masterfully and the color saturation and hue modification was unique. I feel that it was much more unique than Sin City was, since since Sin City seemed to use a lot of B&W, while 300 used a lot of modified and under or over-saturated color configurations. As soon as I got home I started looking up the history of the Battle of Thermopylae and found that although the movie version is much exaggerated, there were still a lot of truths to the amazing feats of courage and teamwork.

I give it a 9/10. It is THAT good IMO.

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