02 July 2006


It was shop-a-holic day in the South Bay. After pining over not buying an Odyssey White Hot putter, I invested in an electric guitar setup. Got the instrument, amp, stand, cable and a leather strap! Since I generally suck at guitar and this will primarily be used as a "learning instrument", I went with the Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus-Top in this crazy "Cherry Sunburst" flavor. I just spent the past hour crunching the bejeezus out of it and the amp. I am in love. Now I need some inspiration for song writing.

Here is what my baby looks like. I need to name her. "Melody" has been taken by one of my golf clubs.


At 5:37 PM, Blogger alo514 said...

Cissy. I had a summer camp counselor as a kid with hair that color. hahah. Enough about the guitar. What about the STRAP??

At 9:51 PM, Blogger Bryan said...

Oh that's right. The strap is chocolatey and can be used with EITHER an electric or acoustic guitar. So says Marie.

At 6:34 PM, Blogger mayz said...

"Melody"!? Rock on sistah!
Should be "Raging Bull"!


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