06 June 2006


-Outside of my hotel there is a handicapped parking sign. Apparently there is a fine of $50 to $300 for illegal parking in this spot. So I'm wondering, what determines the amount that they fine you? Is it based on duration? How large your vehicle is? Perhaps if you just have one wheel over the line you get a minimal charge? Maybe if you have a broken leg and claim a false-handicap they fine you even more for being an unethical bastard? Stew on that.

-Why do they pronounce St. Louis, "Saynt Loo-is"? Shouldn't they be using the French form? I think the same problem comes around when discussing Nee-yu Or-leens. Make up your minds people. Montpelier? San Leandro? Taft?

-There are California Pizza Kitchen restaurants in many states in the US. How can you have a California Pizza Kitchen in Missouri? MPK or MouPK so as not to confuse it with Montana Pizza Kitchen. I mean the kitchen really doesn't travel people.

-Coffee is getting smaller. Now in hotel rooms they have these little "pod" style coffee machines. The coffee is still terrible and is most likely recycled tobacco ash and sawdust, but there was all this equipment upgraded in hotels so as to make a single cup instead of a 4-cup pot. I say boycott this crap nevertheless. I see the trend coming to the pods being filled with sugar and the sugar packets filled with coffee.


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