This is kinda-sorta a continuation of yesterday's blog entry. I'm finding that there really isn't much here in R.I. except seafood. Today I drove from the north edge of the state, Woonsocket, all the way to the southern county and ocean edge, Wakefield. I have to say that it's a pretty boring and brief drive. Took about 45min and the only memorable parts of the cruise were the sloped/shaved rock that the freeway is carved through and the fact that people don't know how to stay in their lanes. Seriously, R.I. drivers use the lane separators as car-centering guides.
After work we ate a late lunch. We, meaning myself and a representative of the client I'm working with. We ate at this place in East Manwocketshiretonspoonlikhatchee or something. I honestly don't remember the name of the town, because it wasn't even a town, but the restaurant's name was Capt'n Jack's. In the great words of Billy Joel, "Captain Jack will get you high tonight." These words are true if he meant high in cholesterol. Basically Capt'n's is a house of all things local fried. Except for the chowdah. I had clam cakes, which are like unsweetened donuts with strips of clam randomly embedded in the dough, some clam chowdah, and some fish 'n chips that included a gigantic filet of 'scrod'. Scrod being the generic white fish that people in New England enjoy regularly. It's flavorless really, which is why they serve it fish 'n chips style where the batter outweighs the meat by a factor of 10:1. I could only eat about half and left a giant heap of soggy breading material on my plate with about 90% of the fries. I did eat the 'slaw' though. Nice to have some veggies besides the potato in the chowdah.
So I was thinking that a genius marketing idea would be to open a micro-brewery somewhere over here and have a brew called the Boston Lobster Chowder Lager. Reason being that it would be pronounced Bahstan Lahbsta Chowdah Laga. I would enjoy those commercials.
Today I received a comment of, "Ya ahnt fram 'rahnd here ah ya?"
Mmmm ... I love chowdah! Srod, eh.
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