08 November 2005


Was listening to a report on NPR about the recent riots taking place in Paris. I was driving whilst listening and almost crashed when I started busting up laughing over a sound-byte supplied from a French government official, speaking in English. It went something like this...

"Go to le maison and smoke le cigarettes, watch ze TV, have ze sex vith le girlfriend, but do NOT go pour le gazoil on ze automobil!"

I literally busted up laughing and people at the stoplight on A St thought I was yet another crazy person in this town. I'm all in favor of the Pro-Sex, Pro-TV and Anti-Flaming-Car policy.

On another note...I voted! First time ever! We'll see how my selections matched the population of California. Shall be interesting. Maybe I'll post my record later.


At 4:41 PM, Blogger DrYuen2005 said...

Having sex with the girlfriend is always the solution to every problem...especially in France! This election was also the first election I DID NOT vote...haha. Let's see if Ahnold wins or not...

At 11:52 PM, Blogger alo514 said...

Congrats on your vote! Just another step to becoming a responsible, contributing member of society.


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