05 November 2005


Picked this up on Slashdot: http://www.opensourceenergy.org/txtlstvw.aspx?LstID=95defd1e-f25c-4a33-8002-a69aca481e6a

It reminds me a bit of the research I was involved in at LBNL. At that time we were working on a compact neutron source for use in applications such as Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) for radiation surgery applications. I take a lot of interest in this Focus Fusion Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) device functions. I was directly involved in the design and simulation of the electrodes in the LBNL Compact Neutron Source, and this new technology is not a giant step away from that.

I really hope that this technology gets funding. It looks like it will if it's made slashdot and the amount doesn't seem like such a great leap compared to money spent in other technologies. Now if only the politics don't get in the way. Let's let the experts, not politicians decide if it's worth pursuing.

More Links:
Focus Fusion
Compact Neutron Source Development at LBNL (pdf)
Article on my old boss/mentor


And a photo from my days at the lab. BTW, this photo is staged if you're too naive to tell...


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