12 October 2006


[14:23] SuperHILAC: these guys are pretty funny
[14:23] SuperHILAC: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3730871020444106271
[14:23] SuperHILAC: and i like their music...but i don't expect you to
[14:23] alo514: can't right now
[14:23] alo514: ahaha.
[14:23] alo514: send it to me later
[14:23] SuperHILAC: bah you suck
[14:23] alo514: in class!
[14:24] SuperHILAC: why do i have to send it again with today's technology?
[14:25] alo514: bc i'm not going to save it.
[14:25] SuperHILAC: isn't it already saved since i sent it to you?
[14:26] SuperHILAC: audrey, poor user of technology
[14:26] alo514: is it?
[14:26] alo514: i did'nt know that IM kept a history
[14:26] SuperHILAC: mine does
[14:26] alo514: mine does
[14:26] alo514: n't
[14:27] SuperHILAC: for example, on July 19, 2005...you wrote at 22:15: how was dinner?
[14:27] SuperHILAC: i responded the same minute with: yumz...burma superstar
[14:27] alo514: lol
[14:28] alo514: thanks for the review
[14:28] SuperHILAC: also, if your IM doesn't save it, there's this thing called "copy and paste" that is all the rage these days
[14:30] alo514: i've already lost it.
[14:32] SuperHILAC: wow...i guess this is good news in some ways
[14:32] SuperHILAC: i can say terrible things and they can't come back to haunt me
[14:32] SuperHILAC: you suck
[14:32] SuperHILAC: :)
[14:32] alo514: ctrl+s
[14:32] alo514: saved.


At 1:30 AM, Blogger alo514 said...

it's also saved if someone posts it to his blog.

At 2:17 AM, Blogger Bryan said...

Oh no! I've created some kind of nested irony loop!


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