Friday: Sushi at Yuki Sushi at Winchester/Pruneridge in SC. Then some hot Green Milk Tea from Fantasia at Santana Row. Good times were had by all. The sushi was just "O.K." and it was accepted by the entire party (of 3) that we are sushi snobs. I guess it's only Ebisu and Genki from now on until we find something down in the South Bay.
Saturday: Ate a nice Animal Style Cheeseburger from InNOut and listened to the Cal football game on the radio. While listening to the delayed internet radio feed, I watched the Oregon/ASU game on TV. Enjoyable, but then more sporting times were had. I went to the San Jose Sharks preseason game with the Calgary Flames at HP Pavilion. Yes, the arena thats name is perplexing since HP also named one of thier computer lines the Pavilion. There were fights, there were Sharnachos, there was a "hot goalie!" says ALo. By the end I had lost my voice. Not from screaming for any particular team, but from this persistent cough that I have acquired in the past week. I'm partially mute now. No revealing of inner monologue, thankfully.
Sunday: Spent all day outside with the So Bros. at Alameda Island on the old Navy Base. It was a Lexus test drive event and we tore up the track. We each individually drove the Lexus IS350, GS450h, SC430, ES340, and a BMW 750i. During my run of the autocross course in the BMW I was able to fishtail the heavy machine through some very basic turns. This lead to me being quietly lectured by one of the event staff. The conversation went a little something like this:
LexusDude: Next time can I ask you not to push the car so hard? Some people can't drive as good as you and we don't want to give them any ideas.
BrYan: Uh, I don't drive well. Do I?
LexusDude: Just take it easy.
The passenger during that ride thought I was going to be kicked out of the event. Thanks to Lexus, they're super lenient and it was later spoken on the loudspeaker that out of 16,000+ test drives, nobody has ever been asked to leave. I could have been the one. Now I kinda wish I tried harder. Seriously though, I didn't even knock any cones down on that run. My last run of the day in the GS450h I nicked a cone towards the end of the slalom and practically got a high-five from the event staff at that track. Maybe because that track had a younger feel and crowd?
Anyway, thank you Lexus for letting me destroy your vehicles, some expensive bottled water, a mix-CD, and what looks like a sterling silver soap dish. You rockz0rz.
chouette. did anybody take any videos? you should put them on youtube so we can all regale with you almost getting kicked off.
oooh...speaking of this, what I can do is put up some old videos. a few years ago i took jeanna on a hair-raising ride in a miata. i'll work on posting those and link them. lots of screaming involved. :)
okay, the hot goalie was not quite as hot once i saw him online. but it was fun while the fantasy lasted.
also, i believe they're called SHARKCHOS. lol.
Next time let's drink SHARKARITAS!
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