07 February 2007


I made it! My luggage made it! It's colder than a witch's teat!

Quick observations on Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada:
  • The airport is warm, but tiny.
  • One step outside and your lungs burn from the cold. This was a new experience for me. Apparently, it is SO DAMN COLD that you have to be careful while breathing. The air can't warm itself enough by the time it reaches your lungs and so it forces a cough basically every breathe that goes through your mouth. I learned to breathe constantly through my nose.
  • It's also SO DAMN COLD that there's no chance for ice to form. The ground is crunchy and sticky. Wheeling my luggage out to the rental car was like pulling a rake through gravel. Driving isn't too bad because of the "stickiness."
  • The Canadian accent is much stronger here than in Western Canada. Previously, in the past few years I've been to Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton and the "eh"s are less pronounced there.
  • Some mustached gentelman in the elevator used the word "Machine" when referring to his friend's laptop computer.
  • When checking into the hotel I had to provide my address. The female clerk lit up when I read the California address to her. She said something to the effect of, "Boy, you probably aren't used to this weather." My response was, "I'm looking forward to it!" Gotta have a PMA.
  • I don't want to go outside unless I have to.


At 3:35 PM, Blogger mayz said...

Welcome to my world, although I don't think it's *quite* as cold here as it is in saskaloonytoon. I hear that it's going to warm up and get into the 20's his weekend. Woohoo! (Genuinely excited.) This is the kind of weather that just sucks the tan out of you. Oh wait, you don't have to worry about that. ;)

At 2:14 PM, Blogger alo514 said...

so witches' teats are cold, huh?


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