25 May 2005


Found this on Slashdot.org today: http://www.daskeyboard.com/

It's an interesting idea, but overpriced. You could come up with pretty much the same effect if you took a sub-$20 keyboard and just painted over the keys lightly. DasKeyboard does boast individually weighted keys with different sets of weighting, but depending on what you type I would predict this feature is negligible in terms of improving typing speed.

23 May 2005


So driving home tonight I paid a bit more attention to a store sign for Sherwin-Williams paint. Their logo isn't very environmentally friendly. In fact I find it humorous that they haven't changed it, especially in the Bay Area. Next to the "Sherwin-Williams" text they have a drawing of the planet Earth being drenched in red paint. Basically if you took a moon-sized can of red paint and poured it over the Earth...that's what it is. Hilarious! Within the red-covered area of the coated Earth it says "Cover the Earth". Drips of red paint falling off of the planet, taking in to no account the actual gravitational vectors that would be involved. Bad physics AND bad ethics.

On another note, I saw Star Wars - Episode III and it was entertaining and explained a lot of things that I took for granted in Episode IV as a child.

16 May 2005


So I think I have figured out why in general Europeans are skinnier than Americans. Take note that this is just a theory, and unfortunately they are becoming just as fat as us, so eventually I may be disproven.

Soft drinks are incredibly expensive in Europe. A 33cl Coca Cola in Paris can cost as much as 5euro. The cheapest I saw was probably in Italy for 2.50euro for the same amount. For the average American traveling and converting US$ into Euro this makes for a ridiculously steep price. But as a European it is just as bad since they (on average) don't make as much income.

At Chipotle, where I ate lunch today because I was missing Mexican food (or American-Mexican food) the soft drinks either bottled or fountain do not surpass $2. This is in general for an amount much larger than 33cl as well.

So, if you extracted all of the sugar from these drinks in different locations it's easy to see that the cost per volume of sugar can be many times higher in Europe than in America. This can be translated indirectly into showing why Americans weigh more or are in general larger.

Let me know if this makes any sense or if I am crazy...


Back from Europe and I think my mind is out-of-synch from all of that continent's disorganization. Example: Doing laundry today to clean all of the clothes from my trip and I ended up locking myself out of my apartment. This is the first time in at least 5 years that I have done this. In fact it's hard for me to remember the last time I locked myself out. Bah. I guess that shows that I'm OCD about some things? I wouldn't say clinically, but in regards to keys and most notably, making my airline flights on time (only 1 miss in approx 250). It's incredible how messy my apartment is. I guess I am selective about my organization.

07 May 2005


Just checking in from Nice and Monte Carlo...
tre-bone...se schwett!